divendres, 12 de desembre del 2014


It consists in an open 3D world role originally created by the swedish programmer Markus Persson and later developed and published by Mojang.


- Survival: Players have a life bar . The  hostile monsters attack them and can receive damage from these and other ways , such as falls , lava , etc. , and die.
- Creative: It is focussed on the field of construction. The players have an unlimited supply of all blocks and game objects that can be placed and destroyed instantly . In addition , they are attacked by monsters spontaneously , can not receive damage.
- Hardcore: it's the same than the survival mode, with the big difference that when you die, the world desapears. The difficulty is the highest available.
- Multiplayer: in this mode, you can play all the other modes with your friends.





All gamers in the world know about Fifa 15, is the sellest football videogame arround the planet.
In the edition of this year, like in the rest, we can play different gamemodes like Ultimate Team, some little games, game of skills, etc.

Like in prevoius  editions, we can play in more than 30 ligues, with more than 300 teams, and more than 40 stadiums.

dijous, 11 de desembre del 2014

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In this blog you will learn a lot of things about videogames. We will make reviews of new games, we will explain the upgrades in each games, explanations of next games, tips to improve your skills, little guides and a lot of more things.

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